Apple Store

John Barrett Salon


New York Institute of Technology

Beekman Place Apartment

Primary School 134

Westchester County Courthouse

Central Park West

John Street

University of Virginia Library

Westin Ottawa Hotel

Tracy Reese Showroom

Fifth Avenue Apartment

Southampton Accessory Dwelling

Bronx County Hall of Justice

West 81st Street Brownstone

Columbus Circle Wines

SUNY Purchase Restrooms

Bronsky Dental Office

Stony Brook University

Barn in North Georgia

Beekman Place Duplex

Roger Williams Park

JFK AirTrain Wayfinding

Park Avenue Residence

East 74th Street Townhouse

City College of New York

West 77th Street Residence

Williamsburg Daycare

Davis & Warshow Showroom

Peruvian Connection

NYIT de Serversky Mansion

Restoration Hardware Broadway

Restoration Hardware SoHo

Pecan Cafe

The Coca-Cola Store

Downtown Far Rockaway Small Businesses

Accessible Justice ADA Compliance

Post Hurricane Sandy Urbanism